Rodney Howard Browne – Jerry Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.


I have seen the word of God work in my life since I was a child. I thank God I have a mom who made me go to Sunday school as a child. Even though she did not go she would drop me and my sister off and at young ages we both gave our lives to Jesus. We both still go to church to this day as a result. I wish I could say I followed the Lord all my days but I cannot. The time I remember the word having the biggest effect was when I was eighteen and had backslidden to the point that I didn’t believe in Him anymore. I was so tormented I couldn’t sleep at night. So I began to repent and cry out to Him. I wasn’t sure I was really saved until I spent hours and hours in the Word and change came. Even when I’ve fallen away He’s been faithful to bring me back. I would be totally lost without the Word. I wouldn’t have a clue how I should live. So today how I see the Word of God working is in the areas that the enemy snatched the Word away.

I really wasn’t taught to believe the Word of God for exactly what it says. Specifically, in areas of healing and prosperity and things it takes faith to believe for. But God is so faithful to plow deeper into the ground of my heart and replant those seeds. I’m so thankful He never gives up. God’s Word is true and means what it says no matter what I or man believes.
