Rodney Howard Browne – Gerard K. Testimony

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Back in Jonathan Edwards time, during The Great Awakening, people’s hearts were turned to Christ.  Young men and women were so saturated by the power of God and hungry for the things of God that everyone around got set ablaze.  Revival had spread from city to city, I am seeing that in our young people and youth.  Especially here at The River, they are the most on fire and radical young people. 

They don’t care and they don’t have any reputation to try to uphold.  What I am experiencing now is people calling in for prayer from all walks of life and by the time we finish praying we see the Holy Spirit taking over and peoples lives getting transformed and changed by the power of God.  I am seeing people that are hungry and thirsty for the things of God.  This nation needs a touch from God more than ever before.  Government cannot change this nation and religion cannot change this nation.  It is time to bring prayer to our schools, and to our courts.  America needs to raise a standard. 

God is willing that America will get saved.  It is up to us to light a fire across this nation.  One person full of the fire of God can do a lot of damage to the camp of the enemy.  This is our mandate young and old to light the fire across this nation.  I believe that everyone of us has a sphere of influence that you can reach.  It is our responsibility to plunder hell and to populate Heaven.  God is on the move and we are moving with Him.  Praise God. –Gerard K.