Rodney Howard Browne – Erica E. Testimony

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I remember when I first started attending The River Church. I would hear people say they had this many souls and really didn’t understand why it was such a big deal. I started to see how others reacted to others soul count and thought to myself, “This soul winning thing is a big deal.” I still wasn’t sure why though. Then I heard about The River Bible Institute. I knew I was supposed to go and figure out more about the Bible and I wanted to know what everyone was so excited about. Man, did I ever learn!

I went to The River Bible Institute about a year or so later. I remember all the classes taught me so much, but one day in Soul winning they announced we would be going soul winning on Saturday. I went that Saturday and was in the projects. I had no idea that from that day I would become an avid soul winner. We started praying for people reading right off the script that was given to us and people were accepting Jesus right there in front of their homes! I thought back to when I was little and living in horrible situations and what if someone from a church came and talked to me like I was doing to these people. I asked one lady if she would pray with me and she told me no probably 10 times. I would ask her every time I saw her, but I didn’t believe her because every time she would say no and go away she would come back and start sweeping by me or just standing outside. I knew her spirit was speaking to her. So, I kept calling her Donna and that wasn’t her name. I really had no idea why I was calling her that, the next thing I know, she says, “Why do you keep calling me Donna?” I told her I didn’t know. She said, “That is my twin sister’s name.” It was so neat, and then she finally gave her heart to the Lord.

Winning souls has become a passion of mine. Just think if someone hadn’t come and told me about Jesus. I am so grateful for the obedient people of God! I am so excited to see all the souls that are in heaven all because of my obedience to what God told me to do. The Lord has some great plans for us all. We just have to be bold and obedient and miracles start poppin. The Lord has allowed me to pray for two of my family members. One of them said they felt a gush of wind and the devil came out! Another member of my family said that they could hear something murmuring in her head and felt it go from her head!

By learning soul winning with the script, I had a chance to lead my grandfather to the Lord right before he died! It was literally two hours before he died! He couldn’t speak and I told him to blink twice if he was repeating the prayer and he did! Thank you LORD! I also had a chance to speak with my father about my Uncle whom had end stage cancer. I told my dad to make sure he was saved. My father actually prayed with him right before he died! Now they will spend eternity in Paradise! Thank the Lord for all he has done and I thank him for sending me to this church where the Pastors are truly lead by God and are 100% souled out to his plan for them and us. Thank you.