Matters of the Heart | Scotty Griffin Testimony

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Last week God opened my eyes to many things that I have had misconceptions about and/or had been doing wrong. From things concerning submitting to authority to issues dealing with marriage for the future, I learned many things to carry on with me.

Matters of the Heart dealt with many things, among them, and for me being one of the biggest and hardest hitters, was submitting to authority. By this I mean being able to accept all correction when given. Through it all I learned that if I’m too weak to accept discipline for an issue, then that issue will be a problem for the rest of my life. To go along with this the Bible says that those that don’t listen to correction are foolish or stupid. Also, any fears of being embarrassed by correction can be dispelled because if we have a humble heart already, then there isn’t anything to be embarrassed about.

When we die, we will face the judgment seat of Christ. When we’re there, if we accepted correction from the Holy Spirit on the earth, then we will be able to enter into Heaven. I have two points to make by saying this statement: 1. we will all give an account for what we’ve done on the earth, and 2. we can have correction either here on earth, or later on judgment day.

In dealing with marriages, the first and most important relationship in our life is with Jesus Christ. If we keep it this way, then the spouse would come next, with children following after that. When we keep Jesus first in our lives, there is no chance of us ever abusing or doing something to our families or friends that could hurt them. Another important thing is to marry someone who compliments who you are in Christ and who loves who you are in Christ. If each person in the marriage gives one hundred percent of themselves to Jesus and into the marriage, then it will work, no matter what storms you go through.

Lastly, the Holy Spirit always speaks the truth, no matter what. He speaks to the heart, not the head. Emotions come to the head, thoughts come to the head, they’re all part of the soulish part of us. To truly understand spiritual things, we need to have a revelation of who God is. We must allow our hearts and minds to be changed to line up with the Word of God. If our hearts aren’t line up with the Word, then any preaching or ministering we do won’t be either.

Matters of the Heart opened my eyes to many things I had not known. From authority to marriage to learning more of the Holy Spirit and how He works, I learned many things.